Banyuwangi, Indonesia – Data from 2023 reveals that 12% of Indonesia’s unemployment rate consists of university and diploma graduates. This situation arises due to a mismatch between university outcomes and workforce demands. Fresh graduates need additional skills to remain competitive in the job market.
To address this, Fish Bank Indonesia implemented the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Training and Certification Program, specifically for food processing technology graduates. The training was held over two days, November 10-11, at the Aston Banyuwangi Hotel, followed by a certification exam conducted by JMKP Professional Certification Institute (under BNSP) on November 12, 2024, at Banyuwangi State Polytechnic. This initiative is part of the Paradaya Movement, spearheaded by Paragon Corp and the Indonesian Zakat Forum (FOZ), aimed at empowering Indonesian communities.
“Our target participants are children of fishermen studying in Banyuwangi and nearby areas,” explained Yuyu Wahyudin, CEO of Fish Bank Indonesia. “We conducted a written test to assess basic competencies and interviews to gauge candidates’ commitment to completing the program and securing employment in relevant companies.”
Achieving HACCP certification equips individuals not only with industry-standard qualifications but also with greater trust from consumers and companies. The certification is crucial for those aspiring to work in the fisheries and food processing sectors, as HACCP is an international standard essential for the food industry.
Post-certification, Fish Bank Indonesia continues monitoring the progress of the 25 selected participants—from initial testing and interviews to their integration into the food industry workforce.
Gratitude was extended to Paragon Corp and the Indonesian Zakat Forum for involving Fish Bank Indonesia and the Sinergi Foundation in the Paradaya Movement: A Collaboration for a More Empowered Indonesia.